Saturday, September 29, 2012

No Pain, No Gain: An analysis of StormCloud


  1. Is StormCloud an app for your phone or is it a separate device? I like the idea of having a place to put your thoughts, especially when a pen and paper are not handy. Who can possibly keep track of all those little slips of paper AND they don't remind you to look at them and remember what it is you were supposed to do!

    Is it voice activated, so all you have to do is give it voice commands and talk? Does it convert it to text for reading later or is it all audio? Is it all text based, so you have to type it in? Having a way of saving your ideas while driving in your car, a place many people spend hours commuting, would be an excellent solution. Of course, texting while driving is illegal, never mind unsafe. So a full audio solution would be the ticket and not one you would get from the local police.

  2. How does StormCloud differ from Siri? Or is it a Siri and Skyvi (the android siri) competitor?
    Will this app or device sync to your calendar? Will there be reminders or alarms?
    I use my "notes" app to write down things i don't want to forget, what differentiation should I know about StormCloud that would convince me to purchase this app?
    I think that there are many people who wish they remembered things better, so i understand your Pains and gain assessment, but why should I buy StormCloud?
