Friday, September 7, 2012

SWOT analysis of Google


  1. Do you think Google can leverage it's strong web presence and growing Android user base to make an impact on the e-tail space. Amazon has been a strong e-tailer for some time and they are breaking into the device market to drive more user to consume from Google already has the users, can they get them to guy things?

    1. If they could get users to buy, would they have the infrastructure to be able to deliver the product? How about relationships with suppliers for the product they wish to sell? There is so much that Amazon does now, that I think it would be very difficult to provide the same level of service from the start and customer expectations would be high. One doesn't associate Google with e-tail and it will take some marketing to educate their users. What is a compelling reason a consumer would leave Amazon for Google? What benefits would they receive?

  2. btw...check out my blog wants us to do the SWOT analysis as I did.

    also...can you tell me how to include blog links to my page?

  3. I notice you indicate Chrome is a dud!?
    You think so. I like it. Why do you say it is a dud?

    1. Mike,

      I was referring specifically to the ChromeBOOK, their cloud-enabled laptop. I've used one of these a couple times and have found it really lacking. Chrome as a browser is great product, but is very very difficulty to monetize.

    2. huh? I had no idea they offered a laptop. Either I'm out of touch or they have not marketed it very well to me.

  4. I also had no idea that there was a ChromeBook either. This is interesting to me as I don't see Google as device company. Why would they enter that market? Look at IBM, they got out because its a saturated market, and they saw a better business plan in services. If they are producing that, are they going to start producing more devices, phones, tablets, etc?
